The Anonymous Writer

The Anonymous Writer

The Anonymous Writer was born and grew up in the UK. They attended 2 Top 5 UK universities where they studied Business Management and Computer Science at undergraduate level, and then completed a Masters in Politics and Economics. They have worked in the finance and banking industry, as well as being a successful entrepreneur and business owner.

Knives out for Brexit!


Have you noticed something very strange lately? Perhaps it’s just me. All of a sudden Brexit seems to be everywhere in the British media, from the BBC, all the way to the Guardian, Independent and Financial Times (FT). However, are…

Welcome to Boom Britain!

Houses of Parliament at night in London City

What is Boom Britain you ask, and why did you create this blog? Great question. Well firstly Boom Britain is a blog dedicated to covering topics and news issues / current affairs concerning the United Kingdom (UK). These include issues…